How To Style Shades Of Blue Jeans

In 1873, rivet-reinforced pants, the first pair of jeans, were produced in Nevada. Because of its unique wear qualities and durability, denim has risen into the stratosphere of modern fashion since then. There’s no denying that denim is a classic.
When first originally introduced, jeans were termed “waist overalls” since they were designed to be worn as work pants. They’re popular worldwide because of their long-lasting material and ability to seem casual and sophisticated.
The pattern or cut of your jeans determines how the cloth fits on your legs, down to your ankles. The most popular styles are skinny, slim, straight, and bootcut. These come in a regular or relaxed fit, which refers to the amount of space available for the legs within the denim.
Men’s jeans come in a range of washes and styles. The wash refers to the jeans’ colour and texture, and several washes are available, including dark blue, light blue, and acid. There are numerous colours and textures given current trends, but the blues shall forever remain a classic.
JACK&JONES has an admirable range of denims, supreme in both style and quality.
Here’s a guide on how you can style the classic dark blue and light blue jeans for men.
- Light Blue Jeans
The only rule of wearing light blue jeans is to keep it simple. Instead of sprucing them up, stick to wearing them with casual clothing. Save the jackets, shirts, and shoes for your darker denim or chinos.
Light hues are favoured during the summer, denim is no exception, and these jeans are best worn in the summer and spring. Our favourite way to wear light blue jeans is quite straightforward: simply combine them with a t-shirt, canvas shoes, and a casual jacket if desired.
Light denim gives you less flexibility in the upper half of your body than dark denim. Stick to lighter colours; a white shirt is a good starting point, but greys, olives, and pastels are also good options too.
- Dark Blue Jeans
Dark blue is considered a classic denim colour. As a result, it looks well with anything from a tee to a fresh white shirt. Thin blue jeans, white loose button-down shirts, and big t-shirts look great. Layer an ash grey V-neck sweatshirt with a thin white tee underneath for a more unique look. A mandarin collar shirt will look wonderful with blue jeans if you have a broad neck and wide shoulders. When it comes to pairing appropriate footwear, take your pick from a wide range of colours and designs, including white, black, and brown sneakers and leather boots.
There isn’t a single piece of apparel in a man’s closet that can compare to the adaptability of a pair of jeans. T-shirts, blazers, jackets, or tank tops don’t matter; just throw on a pair of jeans, and you’re set to go.